Electrical Engineering student and Embedded software engineer

☎️ Contact information

📧 Email

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👨🏻‍💻 Github, GitLab

🛠 Skills

💻 Technology


Developed debugging interfaces and applications for developing and controlling racing cars in connection with protocols such as CAN and LIN. Implementation of backend applications and DHCP servers for programming and testing hardware applications. Development in robotics and communication using ROS also takes a huge part of my Python skills. Furthermore, after pursuing my bachelor-end project researching Quantum Key Distribution techniques, all my data analytics and system diagnostics for the hardware used were written in Python and the remote tools.

Javascript ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My "native" programming language that I've worked with for over six years. I've used it in the back end for APIs with Node, Next.JS, and mobile applications using Cordova and React Native.

C / C++ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The main language used for embedded systems and hardware projects. Experience in formatting C with OOP. Developed applications and implemented protocols for communication, such as CANOpen based on CAN and LDF parsers based on LIN used in automotive applications. System OSs such as FreeRTOS and the development of task-based applications are a routine of mine.

System Verilog ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Developed some state-based IPs in Verilog, as well as the architecture of the inverter model for the URE racing car in Vivado

MATLAB | Simulink ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Altium Designer | KiCAD | LT Spice ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Mostly power electronics converter designs

👩🏻‍💻 Work experience

Test and Automation Engineer

*Copenhagen Atomics, Denmark– (10/2022 - 07/2023)*

Mechatronics Test Engineer

*SENSITIVUS gauge, Denmark– (09/2022 - 03/2023)*

Developed software for an automated torque test setup for bike torque sensors:

Embedded Software Engineer, Designer

Prodrive Technologies*, Netherlands – (09/2020 - Present)*

Software engineer for customer IoT applications on STM32, SMT8, and ESP32. Advanced experience with CAN hardware and FW framework architectures. Implemented LIN protocol on-chip and designed test tools for it in python and designed a small master system for it. Designed generic RTC, accelerometer and gyroscope drivers for multiple chips based on I2C, SPI communication protocols.

Electronics & Software Engineer

University Racing Team (URE), Netherlands – (09/2020 - 09/2021)

PCB designer, Debugging Software Engineer, and Architect and Electronics Tester at the racing team of the Technical University of Eindhoven (URE). Tested, re-designed, and improved the implementation of a DC/DC converter from a high voltage accumulator to the low voltage systems in the team's racing car.

University Racing Team (URE), Netherlands – (09/2021 - Present)

FPGA architect of the control-board for the inverter. Transformed the old inverter model into Verilog and built a processing system on top of it for sensor management and information routing.

Backend Lead Engineer and Developer

A Place For Now (APFN), The Netherlands – (02/2021 - 12/2021)

Designed and developed a backend environment for APFN. Student team aiming to help the housing availabilities in the Netherlands and more specifically in Eindhoven.

Full-stack developer

CYPrices*, Cyprus – (2017 - 2018)*

Co-Founded and developed a price comparator application for Cypriot stores. 2nd Place winner of the Cypriot Digital Championship

Mobile App Developer

NStudios, Cyprus - (2016 - 2019)

Web developer and backend engineer for multiple web based mobile applications available on Play Store

Software Developer

Mobile Development Lab, Cyprus - (05/2019 - 08/2019)

Presentation Page

Designed and co-developed a delivery application for all sorts of packages in Cyprus that won 2nd place at the Digital Championship and guaranteed me a Master's Program scholarship at Frederick University

🗣 Languages


Native speaker

English 🇬🇧

Native speaker


Advanced speaker

German 🇩🇪

Beginner level


Beginner level

📱 Applications

[Driving Signs Android application](https://splashy-pecorino-b7e.notion.site/Driving-Signs-Android-application-ebe485c6528a4fa79731085c5844145e)

[Radar Application for Checkpoints in Cyprus ](https://splashy-pecorino-b7e.notion.site/Radar-Application-for-Checkpoints-in-Cyprus-891c9cc878814a51a3ed4f7b7b42ad30)

Viral applications 🦊

Shop MrBeast

📚 Education

Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering


DTU Technical University of Denmark

Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering


Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Daejeon


DTU Technical University of Denmark



Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering



TU/e Technical University of Eindhoven - Netherlands

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

2018 (unfinished due to Relocation)

Frederick University - Cyprus

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